The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 requires the development and implementation of “career and technical programs of study.” These programs of study are defined and referenced throughout the Act.  States must develop the programs of study in consultation with local programs, and each local recipient receiving funds under the bill will be required to offer the relevant course of at least one. Programs of study are very similar to, and build on, positive initiatives already underway in CTE programs around the country, such as Tech Prep, careerpathways, career academies, and career clusters. In many states, the foundational elements of programs of study may already be in place. Monroe Career & Technical Institute (MCTI) currently offers 21 approved Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) “Programs of Study.” In addition, MCTI offers three approved PDE “Tech Prep Programs.”



    “Programs of Study” is an approved Pennsylvania Department of Education statewide program that:

    · Incorporates and aligns secondary and postsecondary education

    · Includes academic and CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses

    · Includes the opportunity for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits

    · Leads to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate of baccalaureate degree

    · Identifies and addresses current or emerging occupational opportunities

    · Builds on career clusters, career pathways, and career academies

    · Develops in consultation with local Occupational Advisory Committees (OAC) and standards




    Tech Prep programs combine at least two years of high school education with two years of postsecondary education to prepare students for technical careers in areas such as engineering technology, health and human services, and business/information technology. These articulated programs combine a common core of higher academics in math, science, and communications with a specific field of technical preparation. Tech Prep is a college prep program that leads to an associate degree, two-year certificate, or apprenticeship. Tech Prep students will be technically and academically prepared to join the workforce or continue their education towards a baccalaureate degree.




    The Monroe Career & Technical Institute (MCTI) developed a “Learning Guide” for all Program of Study and TechPrep career and technical programs it offers. The Learning Guide will be utilized primarily by teachers, students, and school personnel. It can also be used by parents, business, industry, and the community. Potential users should first become familiar with the purpose, content, and definitions of the Learning Guide.

    The Learning Guide identifies the unit lesson description or objectives, tasks, standards, instructional activities, safety requirements, assessments, and resources/equipment. This section drives the learning activities required to achieve the goal of the program.

    The Learning Guide is an ACTIVE document. Revisions and updates are ongoing. Content and subject format remain flexible and adaptable to modification with input from the program’s Occupational Advisory Committee (OAC) and industry requirement. Instructors control the delivery of the program throughout the school year. 


    Course Name – Current CTE Program Name.

    Unit Name – Heading, unit, module under which the tasks are grouped.
    Unit Number – Number assigned to each Unit
    Dates – Date Learning Guide was written.
    Unit Description/Objectives – One or two sentences describing what the students should know and be able to do when they have completed the tasks that comprise the Unit.
    Tasks – A short statement of the skills/competencies to be performed.
    Standards/Assessment Anchors – 2009 Pennsylvania Academic Aligned Standards in Science and Technology and Engineering (grade 9 & 12); Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Civics and Government (Grades 9 & 12); Health, Safety, and Physical Education (Grade12); Family and Consumer Science (Grade 12); Business, Computer and InformationTechnology (Grades 9-12); Arts and Humanities (Grade 12); and Career Education and Work (CEW) (grade 11). Pennsylvania Core Standards in English Language Arts: the Academic Standards for Reading in Science and Technology and the Academic Standards for Writing in Science and Technology (Grades 9-12). Pennsylvania Core Standards in Mathematics (Grades 5-HS): Number and Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations-Fractions, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Number and Quantity, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Expressions and Equations, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, Measurement and Data, and Statistics and Probability.
    Focus Standard/Anchor # 1 – This is a Career Education and Work (CEW) standard that is most applicable to this set of tasks.
    Supporting Standard/Anchors – Related 2009 Pennsylvania Academic Aligned Standards that are associated with the tasks. The choice is based on the most important integrated concept that encompasses all these tasks and the essential content, questions, or skills.
    Focus Standard/Anchor # 2 – This is a Pennsylvania Core Standard in English Language Arts that is most applicable to this set of tasks.
    Supporting Standard/Anchors – Related Pennsylvania Core Standards in English Language Arts and /or Mathematics that are associated with the tasks.  The choice is based on the most important integrated concept that encompasses all these tasks and the essential content, questions, or skills.
    Connecting Standard/Anchor – This is a Pennsylvania  Core Standard in Mathematicsthat is considered essential pre-requisite knowledge associated with the successful completion of this set of tasks.
    Supporting Standard/Anchors – Related Pennsylvania Core Standards in English Language Arts and /or Mathematics that are considered additional essential pre-requisite knowledge associated with successful completion of the tasks.
    Instructional Activities – Research based learning activities that indicate the experiences needed to master the core knowledge, essential academics, and performance of the task to industry standards. The section will have four parts: Knowledge, Skill, Remediation, and Enrichment.


    Activities that are needed to instruct the students so that they master the theory (what the students know) related to the tasks. These activities are normally done in the classroom setting.


    Activities or objectives that are needed to instruct the students so that they master the performance (what the students are able to do) related to the tasks. These activities are normally done in the laboratory setting.


    Modified instructional activities and/or additional learning styles of students. The remediation activities are appropriate to the unit tasks and individual student needs.

    Enrichment Activities:

    Optional learning activities provided to reinforce the students’ knowledge of a unit. Higher-level activities or extension activities designed to enrich the students’ knowledge beyond the essential level of understanding and extend what is usually required for completion of the tasks.

    Safety – Safety rules, policies, practices, accident prevention, and precautions related to the tasks and unit.

    Assessment – Activities such as quizzes, tests, projects, checklists, rubrics, tests, etc., that demonstrates the students’ core knowledge, essential academics, and the performance of the task to industry standards.
    Resources/Equipment – Resources and equipment used or needed to complete the knowledge, skill, remediation, or enrichment activities. This section includes teaching materials from textbook or professional organizations, technology, essential tools and materials for the task.